South African Thoracic Society
South African Thoracic Society
South African Thoracic Society

Pre-congress Workshops

Pulmonary Rehabilitation

The burden of chronic respiratory disease and end stage lung disease on the African continent is huge. This is particularly true for the sub-Saharan Africa region where pulmonary tuberculosis is rampant and smoking is a major challenge. Due to resource limitations, African countries do not have the finances to access antifibrotics and drugs required for the management of pulmonary arterial hypertension. Pulmonary rehabilitation is absolutely crucial to improving patient functional class and quality of life.

The workshop on pulmonary rehabilitation will bring together experts in the fields of nutrition, physiotherapy, clinical technology, psychotherapy and pulmonology. This workshop is a first at a SATS congress. We will tackle, head on, the rehabilitation of patients with severe COPD, bronchiectasis, cystic fibrosis, interstitial lung diseases and other chronic debilitating lung diseases.

You cannot miss this opportunity. Register now!

11h00 - 17h00
R1 100
Radiology Masterclass including Thoracic USScan

We have invited an overseas speaker with years of experience in thoracic imaging. As a society, we are of the firm belief that we should be as good as, if not better than, the radiologist at interpreting chest radiographs and computerized tomogram (CT) scans. This workshop will cover all aspects of thoracic imaging for the pulmonologist. A presentation on basics of thoracic imaging will form the foundation of the workshop. Topics to be covered will include diffuse lung diseases, airways diseases and many others.

Senior registrars and Fellows in pulmonology, this is yours! The senior pulmonologist is just as welcome. Your experience will certainly spice up the workshop.

Register now!

11h00 - 17h00
R1 100
VAT (Cardio Thoracics)

Introduction to Video Assisted Thoracic Surgery.
Life surgery on pigs. Hands on experience.
Demonstration of a lobectomy, lung biopsy, pleural biopsy, exploration of mediastinum.
Opportunity for participants to use the staples, energy source and video equipment.

Introduction. Ivan Schewitz. (Pigs to be anaesthetised)
Discussion on equipment Souheil Boubie and Larry Kaiser
Live surgery.

Register now!

11h00 - 17h00
R1 100
Paediatric Oscillometry

Oscillometry is a non-invasive measure of lung function with growing popularity as a diagnostic and management tool for respiratory disease, especially in young children and the very old or ill who are unable to perform spirometry. It measures respiratory resistance and reactance (or compliance), making it useful in assessment of respiratory mechanics beyond airway obstruction and bronchodilator response. This workshop will introduce participants into what oscillometry measures, how you optimally undertake testing and test interpretation in children and adolescents. The work shop with be co-chaired by Professor Shannon Simpson (University of Western Australia), a world leader in this technique and current chair of the GLI Oscillometry task force; and A/Prof Diane Gray (University of Cape Town), who has extensive experience of using this test in infants and young children.

Goals of workshop:

Understand the underlying physiology of oscillometry and what it measures.

Understand the value of using oscillometry in the diagnosis and management of children with lung disease.

Become familiar with its use across the life course from infancy through adulthood.

Gain skills in performing and/or interpreting oscillometry in children.

Register now!

10h00 - 17h00
R1 100
EO Africa - Congress Organisers
+27 (0)11 325 0020
Postnet Suite 197, Private Bag X11, Craighall, 2024, South Africa
© South African Thoracic Society